EIEM Internship (Desmond, Hogeschool Utrecht)

From March until June, I did an internship via the THM as a student at HU in the Netherlands. I really enjoyed doing an internship with the partner program since the THM was there for me whenever I needed them and also helped me with matters such as housing and healthcare. The company I was assigned to do my internship at, had people with knowledge in many different fields regarding their industry, making it a great environment for learning. The people were also very kind and understanding even though my German was not that good. Within my department, we also did activities outside of work and had a great connection with each other.
The only downside of my internship was commuting to and from work which normally took an hour and often took longer because of train delays or cancellations from Deutsche Bahn. If you can take your own car instead of public transport, I would highly recommend this.
Overall, I had a great and informative experience, and am glad I took part in this program.