Dual Study Programme

A comprehensive university degree, intensive practical experience and exceptional career prospects: this is what the dual study programmes of StudiumPlus offer highly motivated students.

StudiumPlus is part of the Technische Hochschule Mittelhessen (THM University of Applied Science). We work in close cooperation with more than 1000 partner companies. All our students are nominated and employed by a partner company for their entire study programme

  • Bachelor students work full time in their respective company during semester breaks and for an entire project semester. During lecture periods they follow full time studies on campus. The practical phases in the companies are accredited modules within the degrees’ curricula including a written report on the completed project and often a presentation as well. A university professor and a company supervisor support and accompany the students and grade the projects.
  • Master students follow two longer practical phases while having lecture blocks every two weeks. Again the practical phases are accredited modules with a written report and a presentation and they are supervised and graded by a university professor and a company supervisor.


The intensive, practical study programmes of StudiumPlus bring first-class academic education close to students and companies in Wetzlar and in our local branch campuses all over Hesse. The close contact between professors, lecturers, advisors from industry and students is fostered intensely.

We currently offer degrees with various specializations in business administration, engineering and industrial engineering. All our degrees are all German-taught. If you are interested in following one of our degrees, please check out the German version of our website.

Cornelia  Fritzsch
Cornelia Fritzsch

Sachgebietsleitung Praxis- und Projektphasen | Internationales

+49 6441 2041-224 E-Mail schreiben